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Tips on EV Charging Apps in Malaysia – Which One Should You Go For

There’s always that reassurance that if you miss a petrol pump station, there’ll be another one just right up ahead. EV charging stations aren’t as many as petrol stations and are not as visible, but there are EV charging apps that help visualize and plan your routes to ensure that your EV is always within range of a charger and your drive “range anxiety” -free.

The tips on the functionality of an EV Charging App

  • User-friendly ease of usage—When the application makes finding a charging station easier, it’s far easier to recommend it to those who are new to the adoption of EVs
  • Compatibility of different charging networks operated by other service operators – Flexibility in deciding which charge point operator is ultimately crucial in giving the user an open-ended option for their preferred charging operator. The application itself should be able to support the varying CPOs despite the differences.
  •  Real-time information on the CPO’s charging bay rates and maximum charge speed (kW)—accuracy in the details of the current charging bay is important as it indicates that the bay is indeed operable.
  • Expected cost of your EV charging session—Transparency in price structure is great for helping users manage their expenses.
  • Trip planning – creating a route based on where EV charges are available is detrimental to easing the driving stress induced by range anxiety that users often suffer from long trips.

Built-in EV charging apps

A Malaysian Facebook user post in which he describes his review of using his Tesla Model 3 LR , in this picture shows the navigation system of the Model 3
Tesla’s built-in navigation of its network of superchargers and destination chargers

SMART’s built-in 80% coverage of mapping for CPOs with EV charging app

Charging map coverage of SMART's built in navigation system of CPOs in Malaysia for its SMART cars
he announcement by SMART that has an all-in-one coverage of CPOs up to 80% in its built-in charging point navigation system in SMART cars.
Screenshot of the Hello Smart application on the charge point operator selection and the details of the charge point.
Details of the charging points when selecting the charging station blip on the map with its respective charging rates and service operator

List of EV Charging apps in Malaysia

ChargeEV-EV charging app

ChargEV logo design for its application to charge
 ChargEV application logo from Google Play Store
ChargEV's mapping of CPOs and detailed list of charging point connectors and speeds, including the availability of the charging bay.
Mapping of the CPOs available to use and the details regarding the charging bay’s available charging speeds (kW)

Filtered suggestions – ChargeEV

The available toggle filters to map the required CPO specified by the user in ChargEV
Filter options within the ChargEV app for mapping of CPO

Suggestions can also be filtered according to the user’s required charging needs, such as opting for other chargers instead of chargEV chargers, type of connectors, and charging output (kW). The simple filter options leave a lot to be desired.

Payment methods – ChargEV

Screenshot of the page where it directs after clicking wallet , in which a currency exchange of RM1 to 1 CR is provided
Tokens used in exchange for RM in the form of CR for ChargEV app

ChargEV features two methods of payment system able to be registered within the app, which are

  • Wallet – requires the exchanging of real money (RM) for its token form “CR,” in which 1 CR is equivalent to RM1 and Singaporean equivalent currency.
  • Credit card – both accepting payment cards from Singapore and Malaysia.

Trip Planner – ChargEV

Screenshot of the KL- Penang trip allotted with the BYD Atto 3, where the charging state can be specified for the trip suggestion to calculate the best route possible.
 ChargEV trip planner offers suggested routes based on your destination and EV level of charge.

A dedicated trip planner has been added to the app, which considers the EV registered by the user. The user is also able to input the current percentage of battery left for the EV before committing to the entirety of the route. It then calculates the best route with your battery in mind and suggests the next best charge point to continue the trip smoothly.

PlugShare EV charging app – community-driven updates on charging point

Screenshot of usage while browsing through the application of Plugshare, finding convenient features such as who is currently occupying the charging bay down to the vehicle make and time remaining till completion of charge.
PlugShare’s listed CPO blips across the map of KL and, when clicked, delivers details on the charger’s connection type and time remaining.

Once PlugShare is downloaded, it immediately brings users to its extensive map of CPO blips. Not having to register immediately gives a sense of relaxed restriction, unlike having to jump hoops to find a charge point. However, further interaction, such as leaving reviews for the charging point, requires registration.

Plugshare’s personal user review of the charging points.

Screenshot of the check in feature which allows users to share and update the usage of the charging point including leaving a user score under its PlugScore feature
 PlugShare’s user reviews, PlugScore, under each charging point and the “check-in” feature, which lets other users know the status of the selected charging point

The “Check In” feature tells other users that you are currently occupying the charging bay and provides other details to report, such as an inoperable charging point. PlugShare’s uniqueness is that it has its own review system, PlugScore, so that users can read about other users’ experiences charging at the selected charging point.

In depth charge point details – PlugShare charging EV app.

Screenshot of usage with PlugShare going into the detailed charging bay information for the user to glance through that covers parking details, amenities and specified floor location.
 Detailed information on the description of the specification of chargers at the charging point and amenities within close proximity of the charging point

The charging bays are updated through other users and may not be accurate as PlugShare is not connected to the charging network of the respective charge operator. The information also includes amenities within the vicinity of the establishment itself and the charging bay’s condition, whether it is illuminated or not.

Payment gateways through the EV charging app PlugShare

Payment to utilise the charging points boils down to its specified charge point provider. If the charging point is under JomCharge, then the user must download the respective application to initiate the payment process from within the service operator’s app.

PlugShare filtering through its EV charging app.

PlugShare allows the filtering of its charging points according to the user’s need.

  • Charging points that are above a certain PlugScore count.
  • Vehicle plug type, which, if already registered, will automatically note the compatible chargers.
  • Specify charging speeds (kW) of charging points.
  •  Station count of charging points
  • Amenities that are available within the charging points

Trip planner – PlugShare EV charging app

Trip planner from KL to Penang , where the range of the vehicle is determined from the registered vehicle by the user and calculates the best route
Trip planner available in PlugShare with the depiction of the range determined by the user-registered EV, in which this case is a BYD Atto 3

-PlugShare can create route planning from specified starting points to your destination, highlighting the route to visualize the lines crossing any mapped partner CPO.

-Displays the range of the EV you’ve registered before confirming routes; hence, you can decide exactly when to stop and where to stop along the road.

-This specific route is from KL-Penang, where the app asks beforehand if the user prefers northbound or southbound.

-The addition of travel points can be edited between destinations, and the app will calculate the range from within the starting point to the following added travel points.

Jomcharge-EV charging app

Right after opening Jomcharge, you are brought to its registration page, which displays a short slide play showing several of its highlighted features. You have the option to create an account or log in as a guest if it seems too trivial to bother registering. However, after tinkering around with the map and trying to utilize the search bar, it was prompted to register to allow further access where email verification is necessary.

Screenshot of email verification required for further interaction with JomCharge's account
\ Upon further interaction with the blip of the charge point on the map, an account registration to verify the email was needed.

After the verification process, additional optional steps were recommended for the completion of the profile, which included the addition of information divulging payment methods and vehicles. 

JomCharge charge point details

Screenshot of usage of JomCharge and selection of charge point brings up a page that displays the details regarding the charging point such as charging output, charger connector type and charging fee
 The JomCharge app page displays selected charge points, charging rates, and availability of the charging bay

EV charging app map filter – Jomcharge

Screenshot of the filter options available within the charging app of Jomcharge for its mapping of CPOs
Jomcharge selection of filters applicable to the existing charge points mapped 
  • Station Status, which shows the availability of chargers, including ones that are currently discounted.
  • Charge Point Operator – JomCharge stations or partners
  • Connector Type, Distance, and Charging Power

Summarised energy usage and history of charging

Screenshot of history of sessions used for charging and tracking of data that covers total paid, energy consumption and CO2 saved.
Jomcharge’s history of charging utilizes tracking for aspects such as CO2 savings and total cost paid monthly, yearly, or for all time periods.

Similarly to ChargEV, Jomcharge has a specified tab that displays the amount of charging done within the current month, year, or all time. The section covers aspects of charging such as total paid and CO2 that is saved from your charging session! This is a small detail in the grander scheme of visualizing Ev’s greener initiative.

Jomcharge’s Autocharge – initiate charge without tinkering with an EV Charging app.

An option called Autocharge is available within the settings of the Jomcharge app; it requires linking your application and activation by filling in sensitive information such as VIN and Plate numbers. This feature currently only supports Chery and GAC Aion cars and is usable on charging stations that support this feature. The process only requires a single activation; for concurrent next usage, it’s just plug and charge.

Autocharge featured process charging under Jomcharge and Gentari capable DCFC stations.

CPO Coverage of the GO TO-U EV charging app

Screenshot of GO TO-U charging app that doesnt have other local CPO such as JomCharge and ChargEV within its list of selected network providers. Tesla chargers were also missing despite being a toggle option.
 The GO TO-U charging app has upfront details of selected charge points, and it is missing some of the local charge point operators within its mapping, including JomCharge, ChargEV, and Tesla.

Unfortunately, large CPOs such as Jomcharge and ChargEV aren’t listed among the filtering options, leaving a huge gap in local CPO coverage. Consequently, filtering to only Tesla charging points, to my dismay, didn’t show any of the existing Tesla chargers on the map within Malaysia despite having the CPO within the list.

 Charge point details on the GO TO-U EV charging app

Clicking on a charge point brought up a small block from the bottom half of the screen that contained information that tells you about the charging point, including the charging rates. Going forward with the charging point option led to another page, which was surprisingly not about the charging point but instead a location tab that had the Tripadvisor excerpt notifying users about places nearby worth visiting. The next two tabs on the side were charger details and reviews left by previous users who had previously used the chargers.

Screenshot of the three panes of available information regarding the charging point of selection under Charge-To-U app
Tabs of Location, charger, and review information layout when clicking into the charge station details of the GO TO-U charging app

The filtering options of the GO TO-U charging app

Models for BYD ATTO 3 after 2022 aren't listed under the list of available EVs to be registered for the GO TO-U app.
The BYD ATTO 3 make and model registered is only updated to the 2022 variant, the EV registered is also available as a filter option for charge point mapping compatibility

The filter options under the GO TO-U app have a tinge of uniqueness as they can provide recommendations of charging points according to the suitability of the EV registered for the account.  In my case, it was registered as the BYD Atto 3, but unfortunately, the registered model of the BYD on its app was only updated until 2022. Additional filters available were

  • Preferred Charging speed (kW)
  • Specified location types with the ability to make smart reservations or monitor the status
  • Selected operator network
  • Pay at the pump or available 24/7 stations and hide chargers under repair.

Payment option within GO TO-U

Paying for the charge points under the GO TO-U app requires the user to top up their GO TO-U wallet with their tokens, which are depicted as MYR-Units. Users are allowed to book and reserve the GO TO-U station up to 7 days in advance and charge under the charging points mapped within the GO TO-U charging app with the tokens.

Screenshot of the payment section in which required the usage of tokens labeled MYR-units instead of the conventional payment method used by most charging apps
Payment requires the addition of tokens in the form of “MYR-units” for the charge points under GO TO-U charging app

Tips on usage for EV Charging apps

The applications can be used in tandem to support the planning of travels that would help facilitate and provide charge to your vehicle along the way; some usage combinations as to what I would recommend are:

·         Plan long-distance travel with PlugShare and GO TO-U: If your travels are southbound and northbound, plan an optimal route with PlugShare to note the R&Rs that consist of TNB’s Electron charging stations. The GO TO-U app is then applicable to use to reserve and initiate charges utilizing the MYR units.

·         ChargEV and JomCharge for urban travels – Both can be used in conjunction with finding charge points, with the exception that ChargEV has its dedicated trip planner to highlight user-selected routes with charging points. Payment methods for both include tokens and credit cards, which simplifies the payment process for the charge station that you require a charge from.


As described above, the applications for EV charging have their fair share of strengths and weaknesses. I wouldn’t exactly compare them directly but utilise the apps accordingly based on their strengths. Throughout my usage of each of the listed charge point applications, I’ve come to realise that certain apps are meant to be used in conjunction with another to ensure the complete planning of a trip. It ultimately boils down to when and where you need the charge; for EV trips around urban areas, go for ChargEV or Jomcharge. Interstate travels and long trips northbound or southbound? utilise apps along the route, such as GO TO-U.

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Jane Doe

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